Never Again

Living in Asia means a life full of surprises. Some good, some frustrating, some predictably weird, like the on-off switch to the rainy season. The amount of rain that can be dumped in Bangkok in twenty minutes is insane. But there’s no such thing as global warming, so no need to worry. Just buy yourself a swamp boat like they […]


Compared to Chicago where i heard gunshots out of my window on a regular basis, China is safe, that is, unless you are attempting to cross a street: the traffic is insane. The school has guards, police are everywhere and the airport has its share of soldiers. But still, I have a stalker. Relax. He’s six and eagerly wants to […]

ho-ho-ho chi minh city

There’s a lot to smile about in Saigon (Ho Chi Minh City) Vietnam. The endless allies to explore… And the food Zigzagging through traffic on a Grab-it scooter Taxi… And the food. The fish lady… And the coffee you enjoy after you food. And the nipple guards. (I bet you thought I’d say food again). Saigon has so much good […]


OK. I cried uncle. I couldn’t handle Saigon (aka Ho Chi Minh City). Too many bikes. A motorcycle even drove through this dive while I was eating, giving a new meaning to drive-thru. I was in Saigon just long enough to fuel up on some tasty dishes and caffeine. The food? I could eat there forever. While northern Vietnam is […]

Cap’n America

The best thing about being left by my husband in the middle of Asia in the middle of your life is that every day is a new chance to figure out who I am. But screw that. I’m on holiday. It’s the Vietnamese New Year so instead of figuring out my purpose, I’ll be searching for something really challenging. Cap’n […]

Danang, Vietnam, Swim Suit Edition

So what is the big attraction in Danang? Nothing. And that’s a good thing. After the maze of craze in Hanoi, AKA H’annoyed, I boarded a seventeen hour train to one of the most spectacular beaches in the world. Danang. Don’t worry, I never heard of this secret resort either, I until I plotted my Chinese New Year’s Getaway. The […]