I didn’t want to write this book. I wanted a marriage with a happy ending, a mom that lived forever and a bladder that didn’t leak like old galoshes. But life doesn’t always work out like a Julia Roberts Movie.

Being a barista of bad, I have learned how to grind up the bad and turn it into something good

My latest book, When Life Gives You  Butt Beans, Grinding up Life’s Grief into Something Good,  begins on my wedding anniversary in Kunming, China, which landed a few days after my husband announced he wanted to leave me.  The coffee shop was famous for Kopi  Luwak  — also known as butt bean brew. You might have heard of this uncommon ground in the movie, The Bucket List (2007).

In case you haven’t, the coffee beans are secreted from the rear of a civet cat, making the drink both high end and rear end. The bitter coffee seemed like the perfect way to celebrate that monumental crappy day. I asked a friend join me, one who would wipe my tears for the next several years.

While I blubbered, my friend reminded me that I had to make a decision. I could let dark moments define me or allow them to propel me to change.

Change isn’t easy BUT just like the movies, the sequel of me isn’t as good as the original.

Oh well.

We all have crappy moments. Parents die. Kids drop out of college and take up a career smoking meth. Lumps are found. Jobs, homes and even faith is lost.

But here’s the thing. Bad experiences can turn us bitter or they can help us move on.

So if a constipated cat rains on your crappy day, do what I did. Call a friend and cry  over a not-so-crappy cup of coffee.  Your problems won’t go away but by sharing  stories, our loads seem lighter.

Order When Life Gives You Butt Beans now for your Kindle or a snail mail copy here!

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Life is Sweet








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