
Creating a Craving for Something Better.

TastyFaith was created in 2001 by Ginger Sinsabaugh to meet the needs of those in urban youth ministry.

TastyFaith resources for urban ministry connect biblical truths to the reality urban youth face in lower economic communities. They also reinforce reading and writing skills. The materials are ideal for kids from broken homes,  struggle at school,  those who have been incarcerated,  teen parents and those who are marginalized by society.


These lessons were first used at an outreach program in Chicago ‘s Cabrini Green Projects called SLAM! While the outreach program evolved into GripYouth,   SLAM! lessons for urban outreach continued to be developed, meeting a greater need around the world.

TastyFaith expanded to offer more materials for urban teen outreach. Shortie Pages were developed for younger kids, as well as LIFE AFTER BIRTH for teen moms.

The legendary Cookie Butt Logo


The TastyFaith cookie butt logo was considered pornographic material by the United States Post office and was not allowed on mailing envelopes.

The TastyFaith name in China

In 2013, Ginger was pestered by lawyers in China about using the TastyFaith name. She told them I’d be willing to sell it for a hundred gazillion dollars, but they put their nose up at her offer. Why? Just like toilets seats, copyrights aren’t necessary in China. So don’t be surprised if you see the TastyFaith name on bottle of  gutter oil.

TastyFaith is a registered Trademark, serial number 86331852.

If you are in search of TastyFaith bible studies for teen moms, SLAM or Shorties Pages, email Ginger. You can get the lessons for urban youth ministry for free.

1 thought on “cookie

  1. I am a Sunday school teacher for an inner city church and have used a couple of the shortie pages and loved them.

    I was unable to find anymore resources from your previous site. So excited to see this site.

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