Life repeats itself. Ten years ago, I was Madrid, Spain, waiting for a train to Alicante, my life at its lowest. My mom just died, my husband just left me in China, and my life was condensed down to one hundred pounds and a carry-on. I was in Spain to visit my nephew to make sure he was actually studying […]
birthday boobies (and other birds)
I never would have imagined spending my 63rd birthday looking at boobies.
Uh…not cleavage, but the Peruvian bird.
We all have a pair of running shoes inside of us.
Watching the Paint Dry
Living overseas is like watching paint dry in another country. A lot of same-o same-o.
Look Up
Sometimes I hate it here.
But then I look up.
Or look at birds, which is why I skipped church that day.
There I am at this bus station, trying to stay warm before dawn when my eyes spotted the egg-shaped woman on a blanket.
Viernes Santo (Good Friday)
In her last years, my mom was convinced she was a part-time prophet of Jesus. I didn’t doubt her, except for her story about Moses having a gun.
Cuidado médico
Oh, the joys of being an ex-Pat seeking medical care abroad!
My name is Ginger and I’m a wordle-aholic.
soon, I moved to the Fentanyl of New York Times Puzzle games, the Spelling Bee.
Azul Skies
With every new stamp in my passport comes a skid mark in the pants.