Considering that the circumference of Earth is 24, 888 miles, you really can’t get much farther apart than China and Peru.
Where am I?
Word of the Year
We all hope to be stalked by a wingless Clarence, being reminded that we’d each leave a tear-jerking hole in this world if we weren’t born. But would we really?
When Life Gives You Lima Beans
This chapter of my life will officially be over. I’m leaving Asia, heading towards Peru.
Bitter, sweet, Habanero
Just like Asian cuisine, life will contain a balance of everything. Sweet, salty, bitter, and uh, habanero?
Goodbye Zàijiàn
I’ve never got kicked out of a country before, but let me tell you, it’s a bit more dramatic than getting kicked out of high school chemistry, which happened on a weekly basis.
Mushroom hunting
The landscape was sprinkled with things you’d only see in China: old temples from the Qing dynasty and an occasional sofa.
Is it Hot Pot Yet?
There are no chopsticks at the table; the servers give you a timer instead, just to make sure that you don’t die from eating a slightly poisonous, undercooked mushroom.
Only In China
nly in China will a brand of cat food be so horrible, that even stray a stray kitten puts it nose up to it.
Catch up 追上 zhuīshàng
This year, I ventured to Chicago 芝加哥, where I got to catch up on all kinds of things. Drug deals, non-binary teen groping on CTA platforms, drunken cub fans on trains, and a crash course of what colors not to wear in various gang-infested neighborhoods. Fashion tip: Red and black not is not to be worn in Uptown.