So, the only thing that can top earthquake on vacation is a city-wide lockdown for mandatory Covid testing.

The owner of my hotel wasn’t able to wake me up when she rattled my door about an earthquake but the message she sent me at 12:30 AM last night got my attention.

“A person who visited Xishuangbanna last week now has covid. Everything closed today. Covid testing stations everywhere. I will bring you.”

She also brought me a slice of cheese and three pieces of bread.

“What’s that?” I asked.


Hotel owners got a call from the government about this mandate. Others got a roll of knuckles on their door in the morning by a volunteer dressed in red.

Someone Jerryrigged Sanitation Devices in Elevators

The hotel owner showed videos to her daughter to pass the time.

Length of wait? Almost four hours.

After a quick swab, I received a cool souvenir. A testing verification card.

I think I’m ready to go home now.

2 thoughts on “Lock Down

  1. Wow Ginger! what an adventure your life is! Thanks for sharing with all us , the movie helps me to appreciate JUST how long your wait! Such a rich life, even YOU with all of your creativity could not make this stuff up! Makes me smile every day! Love you so much!Thanks for keeping us updated… xxoo

    1. Thursday, there was a second test (there will be a total of two swabs, two stabs). This was organized a bit better. Red vested volunteers assigned line-up times for each building.

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