There I am at this bus station, trying to stay warm before dawn when my eyes spotted the egg-shaped woman on a blanket.
Viernes Santo (Good Friday)
In her last years, my mom was convinced she was a part-time prophet of Jesus. I didn’t doubt her, except for her story about Moses having a gun.
Cuidado médico
Oh, the joys of being an ex-Pat seeking medical care abroad!
My name is Ginger and I’m a wordle-aholic.
soon, I moved to the Fentanyl of New York Times Puzzle games, the Spelling Bee.
Azul Skies
With every new stamp in my passport comes a skid mark in the pants.
Word of the Year
We all hope to be stalked by a wingless Clarence, being reminded that we’d each leave a tear-jerking hole in this world if we weren’t born. But would we really?
When Life Gives You Lima Beans
This chapter of my life will officially be over. I’m leaving Asia, heading towards Peru.
My Forrest Gump Moment
That’s me in the official promo photo (which is unofficially being posted by me).
No Photos, Thank you
. Website reviews warn visitors not to go to visit after eating, as you may lose your lunch. Well, I’m happy to announce that I kept my bananas.
Loy Krathong–Let it go!
Today is the day when everyone in Thailand acts like Elsa in the movie Frozen, singing Let it Go. eyelashes. That’s what Loy Krathong is about, letting go of the bad and starting new.