Nothing motivates a child more to read than the opportunity to throw a snowball at their teacher.
Snow Day
Never Pick a Cool Name
Bilingual book for Chinese children learning English
Animal House
Online Projects bring new interest to remote teaching with second grade ELD students in China.
The Other Ten Commandments
I am glad that when Moses came down the mountain with two tablets, there wasn’t another set for those of privilege. Thou shall not steal, unless of course, you can afford a good lawyer. Thou shall not commit adultery, unless you are a politician who can afford payoffs. Thou shall keep thy Sabbath holy unless you want to go to […]
Dropped Change
Now, the drop-clothes are gone. The BLM murals blend in with the same-o same-o. The homeless melt back into the concrete searching for dropped change.
Signs of the Times
Hopefully, George Floyd will not be forgotten in a few weeks when people go back thumping their Bibles, and care more about the extra ketchup in a supersized meal than the single mother that handed it to them.
Sharing Life’s Lumps
The amount of deaths is like Six degrees of Kevin Bacon. But it’s not six degrees; it’s two. And it’s not Kevin Bacon—it’s the Grim Reaper. And the deaths are limited to people. The casualties include ma and pa diners, graduation parties, and baseball season.
Everything I wish I knew about online teaching during the Corona Quarantine but didn’t know who to ask.
What is the best platform for online teaching? The answer? Unity.
Parent Meeting, Malaysian Style
The party was an experience in Muslim tradition crashing with classic Americana. Rooty the Bear with burkas, curly fries with sardine puffs, Lego birthday cake and gift bags of jack fruit.
Foodie Refugee
Foreign supermarkets will always be strange. You can buy everything but not the thing you really crave–a taste of home.