So, I spent 70元 pronounced quai  (just over ten bucks) at the grocery store today in Kunming.  So exactly did I fill my bag with?

First, the shopping bag (it was an unplanned trip). Cost:  1 元RMB  6.67 cents







Next, Flower flavor yogurt. Buy three, get one free!  Cost:   20 元RMB

Harbin Beer, the Chinese Budweiser three pack : 10 元RMB.











Strange Taste Horse Beans (yes,they live up to their name). 1.5 元RMB.











Actually, they are the Chinese version of the burnt peanut or Boston Baked Bean. Crunchy, sweet with a Sichuan zing.

Wasabi peas. 6 元RMB










Safeguard Tea scented soap. 6元RMB







Assorted elements for herbal Chinese Tea,  including dried juju beans (dates), lemon slices, flowers, and Gogi berries 20 元 RMB







That’s my normal shopping list.  Now, for the strange item, one that I purchased since a friend of mine’s daughter has entered qīng chūn qī (puberty).

Meet the King Kong of women’s protection: The 420.







China has more varieties of feminine protection than there are days of the month. While most of them aren’t that much different than you can find in a junior high girl’s locker room, the 420 is for when my eldest aunt 青春期 comes for a week and brings her seven sisters.













It’s an exclamation point when all you are dealing with is a period. It’s even bigger than the buildings!








And finally, the arcade game. Look mom! I got a beer!












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